Saving for retirement with your Lifetime ISA

Apply for a Lifetime ISA

What is a Lifetime ISA?

A Lifetime ISA (LISA) is a cash ISA designed to help you save for your first home or your retirement.

If you’re a UK resident, aged 18 to 39, you can open a LISA and earn a 25% government bonus on your savings up to £1,000 every tax year.

young couple playing with child
Using your LISA for retirement

Save up to £4,000 per tax year into your Cash Lifetime ISA until your 50th birthday. Earn a 25% government bonus on your deposits, on top of your interest rate. When you reach 60 years old you can have access to your LISA funds, without any penalty or fee.

You can open a LISA between the ages of 18 – 39 and transfer existing LISAs at any age. Deposits into your LISA can be made up to your 50th birthday, after this you’ll earn interest but no government bonus.

Finally, after your 60th birthday you have fee ­free access to all the money in your Lifetime ISA. Any money you choose to keep in your LISA after 60 will keep earning tax­-free interest.

A guide to LISAs
Happy retired couple

Saving for retirement

Retirement might feel far away, but it’s important you’re prepared. If you decide to use your Paragon Cash Lifetime ISA towards your retirement planning, here are some important considerations:

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Is your retirement plan sustainable long term?

Committing to the Lifetime ISA is a long term plan, and your circumstances can change.

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When do you plan to retire?

Make sure your Lifetime ISA meets your retirement needs.

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What other savings and retirement planning do you have in place?

Other ISAs, a private pension plan or investments.

Ready to apply for a Lifetime ISA?

Whether you’re applying for a new Lifetime ISA or you’re looking to transfer an existing one, follow the next steps to start your application and start saving for your future.

Young woman researching LISA

What is a Lifetime ISA?

Learn more about how a Lifetime ISA works and if you're eligible.

Young couple outside first house

Using your LISA to buy your first home

We've put together things you need to know if you're using your LISA to buy your first home.

You should seek independent financial advice before making any changes to your pension arrangements. This information we have provided is not advice.

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