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How to Save Money on a Road Trip

Whether it’s driving coast to coast from Blackpool to Plymouth or crossing the channel from Dover to Calais taking the road is an ever more popular venture, with over 81% of holidaymakers saying they’d rent a car for a road trip with their family and friends.

However, travelling by car may not always be the most economically-friendly option, with the average road trip costing nearly £170* a day, but this doesn’t have to be the case.

Break the mould, not the bank: five tips on saving money whilst hitting the road

Here we present our top five tips on decreasing the cost without sacrificing the entertainment factor.

1. Set your budget and STICK TO IT!

This is probably one of the most important rules to follow! If you know exactly how much you want to spend and plan in advance, it’s likely your bank won’t become a black hole of endless, useless purchases. By setting a road trip budget you’ll be far more likely to stick to it and it’ll allow for you to monitor your spending much more efficiently.

How to save money on a road trip

2. Sightsee for less

If you’re wanting to explore all the heritage sights Britain has to offer, then you may stumble across some extortionate prices. However, all is not lost, by purchasing a heritage pass you can have easy access to 50% off on a huge number of national attractions, from national museums to the natural phenomena, Stonehenge.

3. Prepare food and beverages in advance

This may very well be one of the largest surprise expenses when it comes to a road trip. When an average meal out for a family can cost up to £40ꝉ it can soon add up, especially if you have several meals on a holiday with the family. Packed lunches and pre-made meals and snacks can be an absolute lifesaver with savings reaching way over £100 for the whole trip.

4. Get the most out of your fuel

There are several ways to maximise the fuel efficiency of your car. Firstly, before you even set off ensure you have enough tyre pressure to reduce friction and increase your mileage potential. Secondly, wherever possible, avoid country roads where you must constantly stop and start again. Driving at a regular speed of around 65mph will be a sure way of ensuring you get the most out of your fuel. Another useful tool is Petrol Prices, which allows you to compare any local stations for the best priced petrol.

5. Forget about the hotels!

Lastly, choose your accommodation wisely. Many people view hotels as the only stopover during a road trip, but this simply isn’t the case. In the digital age, access to thousands of alternatives are only fingertips away. Using apps such as Airbnb or Spare room you’ll be able to find cheap, temporary accommodation which often adds greater privacy and ease than a traditional hotel.

Holiday is not a synonym for breaking the bank so don’t let it! Hopefully with these helpful tips you’ll be able to experience a fantastic holiday with all that Britain has to offer and save at the same time.

ꝉVisit Britain

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